Monday, February 21, 2011

Texas Rangers Watch: Thoughts on Michael Young

The Texas Rangers Watch is a blog that will review games, report news, and give my perspective on matters concerning the Texas Rangers organization. I'm simply a life time fan of the team who wants to share his enthusiasm with other baseball fans, in hopes to help them see just what makes this team so great to watch.

Let's start this off with a little information about myself. I'm eighteen going on nineteen, and have been watching the Rangers play ever since I can remember. I've been to many games, and seen many players come and go over the years.

My greatest ambition is to become a successful novelist, and to become as successful as my idol, Stephen King. I do believe that starting a blog (even if nobody reads or likes it) is a crucial part of achieving my dream, since being able to write constructively every day is very important to someone who wants to follow that particular career path.

As we all know, the words "trade" and "misled" along with the name "Michael Young", has been widely reported the past few weeks. For those who don't know, Michael Young requested a trade after being moved to a DH/Super Utility position after the team signed Ex-Red Sox Third Baseman Adrian Beltre, and then acquired Mike Napoli, a catcher who has some experience playing first base, as well, after promising Michael Young plenty of at bats and playing time in the infield.

Now, Young is in Surprise, Arizona for Spring Training, and it appears everything is all honky-dory with the team now, but that hasn't stopped the ever widening chasm that's splitting between huge fans of Michael Young, and fans of the success of the team.

Here's my position; I've brought along a pair of stilts and have found the middle ground in this whole fiasco. After all the "he-said-she-saids", after all the attempts by Michael to hide the dirty laundry, to the news (especially ESPN) trying to bring as much "mud" to the light as possible, I have found a way to respect both the decision of Jon Daniels to move Michael yet again, to Young's request for a trade.

What's my big thought, you might ask; here it is. As a true Rangers fan, I don't condone Jon Daniels for moving Michael Young again, because it makes room for a superior player. I also don't have a problem with Young wanting a trade because of it, because, again as a fan, I would rather see a player like him play full time for another team in the infield than waste away at DH. If he does get his trade during the regular season, then I'm fine with it, though I will be sad to see him go.

So, fellow fans of the Rangers, don't allow these events to split our faithfuls from each other. Simply accept the flow of the game, and get ready to watch our guys kick some serious butt in the American League West.

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